Fuel Cell Intelligence

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"Following the Fuel Cell industry around the globe is hard work.  With Fuel Cell Intelligence, you can stay home while I do all the leg work, verifying claims of developers hiding in the most dangerous locales on Earth." - Jim Horwitz

With Frank Holcomb, Kailua - FC Seminar Nov. 2006
Jim with Frank Holcomb, prolific CERL fuel cell guru, off Kailua Beach, Fuel Cell Seminar Nov. 2006

Dream Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park
60 miles west of the NREL Lab in Golden, Colorado
August 2008

James Horwitz is the principal analyst at Fuel Cell Intelligence in the Boston, MA, area.  Jim has extensive experience in the energy industry having served as a long-term technical consultant for National Grid, the UK utility now the largest natural gas supplier in the Northeast.  Over the past fourteen years, he has published numerous articles on the global fuel cell industry focusing on commercialization, and completed consulting projects for some important FC industry players.


His presentations include ‘Fuel Cells in Asia’ at Fuel Cell 2006, ‘Successful Strategies in Fuel Cell Markets’ at the 2006 Fuel Cell Seminar in Honolulu , ‘The Hydrogen - Fuel Cell Disconnect’ at the 2007 NHA Conference and 'Fuel Cell - Battery Hybrids' at the 2009 NHA Conference, ‘The Current Status of Fuel Cell mCHP’ in Vancouver, May, 2007 and again at the 2008 FC Seminar in Phoenix, and a fuel cell technology primer for the annual regional meeting of ASHRAE (the global organization of HVAC professionals).  His most recent presentation was delivered June 3 at the 2009 International Hydrogen + Fuel Cell Conference in Vancouver.  He was selected to deliver the keynote address to the Fuel Cell 2007 conference in Rochester, NY.


Recent publications include ‘Battery and Fuel Cell Hybrids’ for the Jan. 2009 issue of the UK ‘Batteries+Energy Storage Technology, and an article on the important role of international partnerships in global fuel cell commercialization the current issue of Fuel Cell Magazine.


Mr. Horwitz received his BS from Caltech in math, with coursework in applied mechanics, statistics, advanced probability, decision, inference and stochastic processes, and thermodynamics. He also completed coursework at the University of Michigan Business School and Rackham Graduate School.  For twenty years he was president of Binary Systems, Inc., a designer and developer of a wide variety of software and database applications.


Along with principal investigators at Tufts University, Boston University, and the U. of Maryland, Mr. Horwitz co-authored the three-year EPA-funded CLIMB (Climate’s Long-Term Impact on Metropolitan Boston) study.  For the study he designed and built a climate model of Metropolitan Boston incorporating daily meteorological, demographic, and energy data from 1888-2000 capable of projecting an energy profile of the region under various scenarios of Global Warming effects for the years 2001- 2100.
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